
Montold recognizes the relevance of the three so-called ESG areas (Environmental, Social & Governance) for the future development of the financial industry towards a more sustainable investment climate. However, due to the nature of its initial investment programs, Montold does not place an initial focus on sustainability factors.

I.  Mandatory disclosures in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”) relating to Montold Asset Management GmbH:Policies on the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision‐making process (Article 3 SFDR)

For the reason that the investment strategies or business processes do not affect any dimension where these strategies or processes could impact sustainability factors Montold Asset Management GmbH is not in the position to plan an integration of specific sustainability risks in its investment processes.

II.  Mandatory disclosures on the consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors by Montold Asset Management GmbH (Article 4 SFDR)

Article 4 SFDR requires financial market participants to disclose whether or not they consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. If they do, they are required to provide detailed information on certain sustainability factors in accordance with the specific requirements of Article 4 SFDR. For the reasons stated in paragraph I. above, we currently do not consider adverse impacts of our investment decisions on sustainability factors.

At the time of the launch in 2021 as well as presently, we manage the investor's assets only in the form of providing loans to the medium and small businesses. Our borrowers are not our portfolio companies and since we do not control them, their ESG data is unknown to us.

In the event our investment policies change, or new investments projects start possible adverse impacts on sustainability factors shall be considered.

III.  Mandatory disclosures on the remuneration policy in connection with the integration of sustainability risks (Article 5 SFDR)

For the reasons provided above sustainability risks do not have any impact on the remuneration policies of Montold Asset Management GmbH.